重返日本(二十二更)(1 / 1)

家族侦探 王五秒 2073 字 2019-11-02

 “very embarrassed, they are now stucktraffic, andohought that there wouldtraffic jamsthis time.(非常不好意思,他们那边现在堵车了,谁也没有想到,这个时候会堵车。)”挂断电话后,山田口说道。“nothing, thisa lotunpredictable thingsthe world, then when are they ing over?(没事儿,这世上难预料的事情多了去了,那么他们那边说什么时候过来了吗。)”刘恺说道。“they said that they can arrive8:30the latest.(他们说最晚八点半能到。)”“ok, thenwill take the 8:30th let's find the most hidden placehide, because after all,is under the people'found thatis soonerlater, andis not safe.(好,那我们就以八点半为标准,现在我们先找一个最隐蔽的地方躲着,因为这里毕竟是在人家的楼下,被发现是迟早的事情,也不保险。)”“ok.(好。)”




“ok, let's talk about the plan now.(好了,我们趁现在再把计划说一遍。)”刘恺说道。“the plan has been said several times, andis necessaryrepeat it.(计划都说了好几遍了,还有必要重复吗。)”孙邵樊说道。“be very skilled, iafraid that the time will fall off the chain.(要非常熟练,就怕到时候掉链子。)”“okay then.(那好吧。)”

“we have now locked the positionfeng yizhen and zact, i and sun shaofanto feng yizhen, and then youto zeye, and when you make a breakthrough, you must first let takahashi they gotthe firs all,don't have any equipment, butalso needbe self-defense.(我们现在已经锁定了冯毅灏和泽野化的位置,到时候我们行动的时候,我和孙邵樊去找冯毅灏,然后你们去找泽野化,突进的时候要先让高桥他们先上了,毕竟我们没有什么装备,但是也是要做好防身的。)”“well, then follow whatall, the only twoyou are looking for feng yizhen,are goingcatch zeye, right?(嗯,那就按照你说了来做,毕竟你们两个要找的只有冯毅灏,我们要抓的是泽野化,是吧。)”山田口说道。“yes, then first call takahashi, ask himthe trafficbetter now, and then tell him about it.(对,然后先给高桥打个电话,问一下他现在交通好点了没,然后再把这个给他说一下。)”“ok, i know.(好,知道了。)”