重返日本(十二更)(2 / 2)

家族侦探 王五秒 4279 字 2019-11-02

“we'll walk about four hoursqunma county.(我们差不多还要走四个小时左右能到群马县。)”山田口说道,“what shoulddo whenget there?(我们到了那边之后,要怎么安排。)”

“whengot there,couldn't staythe hotel because they would surely monitor us,we hadsleepthe car.(到了那边,我们不能住进旅馆,因为他们肯定会监视我们,所以我们只能在车上睡。)”刘恺说道。“at that time, our route willmonitored everywherethe road.(那到时候我们的路线怎么走,马路上可到处都有监控啊。)”山田口说道。“there'smonitoringthe alley.(小巷子里没有监控吧。)”“no.(没有。)”“thencan drive directly intoalley.(那我们到时候可以直接把车开到一个小巷子里。)”“didn't you worry about monitoring just now? whyin now?(刚才不还在担心监控的事情吗,怎么现在直接开进去呢。)”“thisto seduce them.(这么做就是为了要勾引他们上钩。)”“why.(为什么。)”“when they find us, they will definitely send someoo find us. thenwill just take the necessary things and put the restth will walk through.(到时候他们发现了我们,肯定会派人去找我们的,然后到时候我们只拿上必要的东西,剩下的之放在车里,我们用走路的方式过去。)”“then they will findsoon.(那他们也会很快发现我们的啊。)”“i know,we haveactnight.(我知道,所以说,我们要到晚上的时候行动。)”“what about the plan?(那计划呢。)”

“eat first, and i'll talk laterthe way.(先吃饭,等会儿到路上了我再说。)”“ok.(好。)”


“well, now you can talk about the plan.(好了,现在你可以说一下计划了吧。)”山田口说道。“well, it's time forto locate themadvance, then throw the car into the alley and catchin a very short time.(嗯,就是到时候我们提前确定好他们的位置,之后把车扔到小巷子里,用极短的时间赶过去。)”刘恺说道。“okay, let's take a lookit then, and we'll plan the routedetail.(好,到时候我们看一下吧,到时候我们再详细的计划一下路线。)”“okay, concentratedriving first.(好,先专心开车吧。)”

“howyour investigation going now?(你们现在调查的怎么样了。)”冯毅灏走到工作区,说道。“now the threethem are stillthei can reach qunma county around 4 p.m.(现在他们三个还在路上,大概下午四点左右能到群马县。)”男人说道。“it's settled, isn't it?(已经确定好了,是吧。)”“yes.(对。)”“okay, now let's divideinto a groupdiscussan hour, you'll e and reportme, you know.(好,现在再分一个小组,去商讨到时候的战略,一小时后,你们过来给我汇报,知道了吗。)”“ok, i see.(好,知道了。)”
