重返日本(五更)(2 / 2)

家族侦探 王五秒 3584 字 2019-11-02




“'myou remember me?(喂,你好。我是刘恺,还记得我吗。)”电话打通后,刘恺说道。“it's you, o's the matter, please?(是你啊,当然还记得了,请问有什么事情吗。)”山田口说道。“didn't you say that whenlast separated, whencame backjapan,would contact you.(上次分开的时候不是说了吗,等我们再来日本的时候,和你联系的吗。)”“yeah, i fot all about it. i'm sorry.(对啊,我都忘记了,不好意思啊。)”“it'sfact,have somethingdo whene here this time.(没事儿,其实我们这次过来,也是有事情要做的。)”“what's the matter?(什么事儿啊。)”“do you knowan anization calledlarge dimension?(你知道一个叫大次元的组织吗。)”“you know, this anizationalso very strong, andhave branchesjapan.(知道啊,这个组织也是很厉害,在我们日本也有分部。)”“i'm here for this anization.(我这次来,就是为了这个组织的。)”“what's up?(怎么了。)”“it's not very convenient t'll send you a locatio you're not busy, let's meetall, i want your help.(电话说也不是很方便,我等一会儿给你发定位吧,要是你不忙的话,我们还是见面谈吧,毕竟我也想得到你的帮助。)”“okay, then sendth'll e back later.(好,那你给我发定位,我等会儿过去。)”



“hello, i'mjapa'm goingthe anization.(喂,我现在到日本了,我这就往组织那边过去。)”冯毅灏说道。“alsend someoo pick you up?(好吧,需要我们派人去接你吗。)”电话那边的男人说道。“no, i remember th'll just wait forat the anizational side.(不用了,我记得路,你们就在组织那边等着我就行了。)”“okay, then you shouldsafe.(好的,那你注意安全。)”“got it.(知道了。)”


“it must have been a harand have a rest.(这一路上一定很辛苦吧,快到里面休息一会儿吧。)”男人说道。“unexpectedly, i haven't seen you for such a long time, but i understand a lotthings.(没想到这么长时间没见了,倒是懂了不少事情啊。)”冯毅灏说道。“you flatter me.also wantmak's whatshould do.(你过奖了,我们也是想要进步的,这都是我们应该做的。)”“okay, youout first, get things ready, and when i wake up, start working, you know.(好了,你们先出去吧,准备一下东西,等我醒来的时候开始工作,知道了吗。)”“okay, let's get ready.(好的,我们这就去准备。)”