重返日本(三更)(1 / 2)

家族侦探 王五秒 3701 字 2019-11-02




“boss, wasn't there anybodychina before, and then i sent hima mission, and then i removed him.(老大,我之前不是在中国那边有人吗,然后派他去执行了任务,后来把他除掉了。)”冯毅灏走到米诺加伊的旁边,说道。“well, what's the problem?(嗯,有什么问题吗。)”米诺加伊说道。“mainly, when i was preparingdisposethat person, someone discoveredexistence, which should not have happenedreason.(主要是,我当时正准备处理掉那个人的时候,有人发现了我的存在,按道理说应该不会发生的啊。)”“did you give the man a weapon when you first met him?(你第一次见那个人的时候,是不是给他武器了。)”“yeah, how else woulddo his job?(对啊,要不然他怎么去执行任务啊。)”“are you silly? don't you know that guns are prohibitedchina? that's how you did things, thanksthe fact that you were a chinese before and the personchargethe region.(你是不是傻,你不知道中国那边禁止携带枪支的吗。亏你之前还是中国人,亏你还是地区的负责人,你就是这样办事情的吗。)”“don'tangry, it's wrong.(老大你别生气啊,我知道错了。)”“okay, after that.(行了,那之后呢。)”“i told thememe.they found it, they would trydismantle our anization.(我跟他们放了狠话,要他们来找我,要是找到了,他们一定会想办法把我们的组织瓦解掉吧。)““you really don't bother me,what are you talking about here?(你真的是不给我省心,那你这边说什么了。)”“of course, i can't leave theminvestigate us.course, i will also investigate sometheir information and then attack them.(我当然不能任由他们来调查我们了,我当然也会调查他们的一些信息,然后再去打击他们。)”

米诺加伊站了起来,走到窗户旁边,说道:“okay,don't have a few places where anizational developmentnot good,you should avoidfirst.(行了,我们不是有几个地方的组织发展不是挺好的吗,你就先去避一下吧。)”“i know thatadditionthe united states, japan and korea, where our anization has developed well, igoingjapa all, i oftenthere.(我知道,我们组织发展好的地方,除了美国,还有日本和韩国,我准备先去日本那边,毕竟那边我也经常过去。)”冯毅灏说道。“al the tickets and baggage ready?(好,机票和行李都准备好了吗。)”“well, they'replaakes offthe early morning.(嗯,都已经准备好了,飞机是凌晨的时候起飞。)”“well, youand prepare for it, remember, this time absolutely can'twrong again, otherwise they don't solve you there, i will solve you when i e back.(好,那你去准备一下吧,记得,这一次绝对不能再出岔子了,要不然他们那边不解决你,回来了我也会解决你的。)”“i see, i'lldown first.(知道了,老大。那我就先下去了。)”
