日本“旅行”(二十八更)(2 / 2)

家族侦探 王五秒 4106 字 2019-11-02

“sorry, i'm late.(不好意思,我来晚了。)”山田口走到旅馆外,说道。“it doesn''s importantwhat happenedthe group.(没关系,重要的是,集团那边怎么样了。)”“let'sfind a placeeat first, and then we'll elaborateit.(我们先去找吃的地方吧,到时候我们再详细说明。)”“ok.(好。)”


“so, let's get back t happenedthe group?(那么,我们回到正事上,集团那边怎么样了。)”坐下之后,刘恺说道。“at present, there are about 100 peoplethe group, but they areare four departmentsthe group: security department, social department, work security department and executive department.(现在的集团一共有一百人左右,不过都是精英,一共有四个部门,分别是安全部门,社会部门,网络安全部门,执行部门。)”“what about the groupa whole now?(那现在的集团整体上怎么样。)”“he said that, whethersocietyin work security,is impossiblebreak through.(他说的是,无论是社会上,还是网络安全上,都是无法击破的。)”“well, public opinioncyber attacks are not goingwork.(嗯,所以舆论或者网络攻击都不行了。)”“yes.(对啊。)”“what else didtell you?(他还跟你说什么了。)”“he said,“now i havegothe executive department and work for a periodtime before i movehis position.“(他说,现在要我去执行部,先工作一段时间,之后再把我调到他的位置。)”“what does the executive department do?(执行部是做什么的。)”“the main thingto wipe out, just like those before them,longitunfavorablethe group,willwiped out.(主要就是抹杀,就像之前的那些人一样,只要是对集团不利的,都要被抹杀掉。)”“then you say,you getthe top position, can you surrender directly?(那你说,要是等你到了老大的位置,你能不能直接自首。)”“it may be, butthat time, i was just i hadbe decidedeveryone's vote,this idea couldruled out.(可以是可以,但是,那时候我是刚上任的,所有的事情都是要经过大家投票决定的,所以这个想法可以排除了。)”


“let's talk whileeat.(我们边吃边谈吧。)”孙邵樊说道。“that's ok.(行。)”

“the pointthatdon't have any critical evidence right now, andthere's any evidence, it's settled.(关键是现在我们没有关键性的证据,要是有证据的话,这件事就解决了。)”山田口说道。“aren't youthe group now? can't you find any evidence?(你现在不是进入了集团了吗,不能找到什么证据吗。)”“all their documents are storedthe work, their work, ordinary people can notinto the black.(他们所有的文档都是储存在网络上的,他们的网络,一般人是黑不进去的。)”“thatto say,longwe hacked into their work,wouldgood.(也就是说,只要我们黑进去他们的网络,就好了。)”“yeah, but it' i know don't have hackers.(对啊,不过很难啊,我认识的人,没有黑客啊。)”“i know a hacker, but it's chinese.(我认识一个黑客,不过是中国的。)”“it doesn't matter,longhe can hack into the group's work, other things i'll solve.(没关系,只要他能黑进集团的网络,其他的事情我来解决。)”“well, you can sendthe group's work address later, and call him when you get backthe hotelthe evening.(好,那你等一下把集团的网络地址发给我,晚上回到旅馆,就给他打电话。)”“that's ok.(行。)”

